📄️ Register
Please register an account before using App.
📄️ Add Lock
The home page is the lock list. It is empty if you are a new user. You can add a lock from here.
📄️ Add camera
The App supports adding and managing cameras, and the operation steps are as follows:
📄️ Access Permissioin
After adding lock, you can grant access permissions to others, including ekey, passcode, card, fingerprint, face, and etc.
📄️ Manage Access
There are three user levels: administrator, authorized administrator, and user.
📄️ Device
The gateway and door sensor are the two main accessaries of locks.
📄️ Services
There are also value added functions. You can find "Services" in the App's "settings" menu. It includes SMS, email, and advanced functions.
📄️ Special Scene
There are some useful features.
📄️ Visual intercom Lock
1.Brief:Visual intercom lock is a door lock that improves home security and has the following core functions.